About Me

  • Phone:+212 657 92 87 32
  • Email:eddinnecharaf@gmail.com
  • Address:Morocco

Hello There!

I love writing code and I love Technology Fields.
I always loved coding, I love diving into complex problems and solving and I still think that it's really an amazing feeling to see an app or program you built from scratch.

You might think that I studied programming and that I got a CS degree -Yes I do, I always liked coding and it was a great hobby but I actually Used to learn on My own, And I don't regret it! It was a fun time and I enjoyed all the things taught there. But soon after taking my Degree, it was very clear to me that I had to go back to coding And share my Knowledge with Others. And that's what I did.

Actually, I always worked as a freelancer on side jobs whilst I was at university. And I also started teaching others there. I like sharing my knowledge and I really believe that we all should do our best to allow everyone to learn new things and achieve their goals.

My Services

Project Management

plan and designate project resources, prepare budgets, monitor progress, and keep stakeholders informed the entire way.


responsible for adapting a brand strategy for a company's target market.

Software Developement

designs and builds computer programs that power mobile devices, desktop computers, and even cars.

Web Developement

builds, adjusts, and/or maintains a Website.

Digital Marketing

responsible for developing and implementing strategies that promote a company or brand's products.


a professional Editing (Video, Photo, sound).


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